Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Announcement: Webucation Worldwide Launched

We have been working hard to get our site revamped and ready to show you all. We are very excited about the new look, layout and just everything about it. We hope you will be excited about it as well.

Please take a peek and then come back here and leave us comments after you have joined of course ;)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Quote - Dr. Arthur Freeman

Someone sent this to me today, and I thought it was a great quote to share. It gave me clarity on a few things that have been going on here in my personal life. I hope it helps you too!

"It doesn't make any difference whether what you face is something that affects your work, your personal relationships, your sense of security, your appraisal of self-worth, or your appearance--the way you think about your situation largely determines whether you will do anything about it and what you will do." -- Dr. Arthur Freeman

Announcement: Webucation Worldwide Launched

We have been working hard to get our site revamped and ready to show you all. We are very excited about the new look, layout and just everything about it. We hope you will be excited about it as well.

Please take a peek and then come back here and leave us comments after you have joined of course ;)

Need to Give your Sales Business a Boost?

10 Amazing Ways To Boost Your Sales Business:

1. Joint Venture: You need to find a business partner. Look for ones that have the same objective. You can email each other's leads, share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.

2. Look at other successful business or people and figure out what they are doing to become successful. I'm not saying you should copy them, but practice some of the same habits that have made them succeed.

3. Brainstorm: with a colleague or someone who knows your business well. Remember to take a little time out of your day or week to do this. New ideas are usually the difference between success and failure and often another person can help to bring perspective.

4. Start an auction on your web site. The type of auction could be related to the theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.

5. Use your name, or think of a great name to describe your company, something exiting, and Brand it. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to e-zines, blogs or web sites for republishing.

6. You need to take risks to improve your business. Sometimes businesses don't want to advertise unless it's free, sometimes you need to spend money to get good results.

7. Appeal to the emotions of your clients. Include emotional words in your advertisements. Use ones like love, security, relief, freedom, happy, satisfaction, fun, etc. They create a warm and fuzzy feeling.

8. Ask people you meet online to review your web site. You can use their comments to improve your web site or you may turn the viewer into a customer or regular reader of your newsletters.

9. You may think this is a tough one, but in order to become efficient, you should out-source part of your workload. You'll save on your man hours as well as costs incurred if you should hire an employee. You could out-source your secretarial work, accounting, marketing, etc.

10. Look at combining a product and a service together in a package deal. It could potentially increase your sales. If you're selling an e-book, offer an hour of consulting with it. Make sure your ebook is branded as well and you can also look into offering affiliate commisions.

If you enjoyed these tips, please join our newsletter for more great hints and tips. It is full of things to help you with your home business, online business or even your regular business. a

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Looking to Build an Email List? Try these Strategies

List Building Strategies

1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc. Find websites that are similar to yours, but not the competition. Email them and ask if they are interested in such a trade.

2. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people read each issue they'll be reminded to visit your web site every time you send out your ezine. They'll see your product ad more than just once which will increase your orders.(it is a fact that the human mind needs exposure 7x for something to sink in; repetition is the key) Give them great content,lots of info and freebies, so that people will be likely to stick around because of what you are teaching.

3. Form or Join an online community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community they will regularly return to communicate with others. A word of warning though, make sure you are writing good pertinent content or you could get the owners/moderators angry with you and get yourself banned.

4. Write articles and submit them to e-zines, web sites and magazines that accept article submissions. Include your business information and web address at the end of the article. If you copy content from internet sources, be sure to credit the original poster so that the search engines don’t think you have plagiarized.

5. Give away an electronic freebie with your ad or re-branded information on it. Allow your visitors to also give the freebie away, keeping your information also intact. This'll increase your ad exposure and attract people to your web site at the same time.

6. Combine your products or services into one big package deal with other businesses offerings. You could share a web site and advertise the package deal which means double the traffic.

7. Submit your freebie to the online directories that list your particular item or service for free. If you're offering a free e-zine, submit it to all the free e-zine
directories on the internet.

8. Participate on message boards. Post answers to other people's questions, ask questions and post appropriate information. Include your signature file at the end of all your postings. Again, make sure your postings are relevant and you don’t upset the moderators.

9. Exchange classified or sponsor ads with other free e-zine publishers. If there is a huge subscriber difference between e-zines, one can run more ads to make up for it.

10. Post your ad on free advertising areas on the internet. You can post it on free classified ad sites, free for all links sites, newsgroups that allow ads, free yellow page directories, etc. Warning about FFA though, you will get a huge amount of email from this and we suggest you get yourself an email account on another server (gmail is good if you have someone who can refer you) that you can ignore if you need to. These can become very distracting and you could end up off track by reading them all. We know, we’ve been there!

If you have enjoyed this post, please join our newsletter for more great tips.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is it Easy to make money online?

Did someone tell you it was easy to make money online? Well, they lied. It is really hard, and only about 5% of the marketers online are actually making the big bucks and able to Profit Now Online.

Duane Forrest has been working online for almost 10 years and has been very successful. So successful he was able to take a break for a while and then get started again. This is where we were a year ago, just getting started again.

His personal, family experiences and losses during that break, brought him back to the internet and sales etc, but with a different goal in mind. This time his thoughts were to take care of the people he worked with. He no longer wanted to sell them something and then drop them and let them try to work on their own. This is literally what everyone else out there is doing, and how he was also taught to conduct business. Sounds horrible doesn’t it? Well, he got a conscience and that is what brings us to today.

This is where the team comes in… they support Duane, the clients and customers who come through our doors. We have a toll free line so if anyone needs us, they are free to call and leave a message and someone will return their calls ASAP. We also give out direct lines so anyone can call during office hours and we will help them in whatever is needed. If we don’t know the answer, we work until we find it!

We have gone through all those companies who make big promises of huge dollars being made, and opportunities that promise all sorts of benefits and get rich quick schemes, spent a lot of money to get where we are today. Believe me, we have spent a lot of money just to make some money, but in the end, our experience is what we want to share with you!

After reading the above, I hope that you will have gained some confidence in what Duane is working to accomplish with ProfitNowOnline. We want everyone we meet to ProfitNowOnline, not just those few who are near the tops of the businesses, it is time to Share the Wealth and we are here to support you for free.

Let me just say one thing from the start. We are not like those marketers who will try to get you to buy every single tool that comes out, just to make a commission, the things we recommend are tried, tested and used by us as well.

We really do care about your success and teaching you to ProfitNowOnline. So when we recommend a tool, you have our word that we use it, it works well and it makes money. Period.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

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